- 19. AUGUST * Gustave Caillebotte *

    1. AUGUST * Gustave Caillebotte *

231日  あと134日   TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:03   SUNSET-18:26    MOON-21.4 DAYS      _ Alex Honnold just led the first ascent of one of Earth's tallest https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/article/alex-honnold-leads-first-ascent-of-massive-arctic-sea-cliff   

俳句の日, バイクの日, クラシック音楽の日, マール王国の人形姫, 秋田花輪ばやし, トークの日, 義秀忌,   

1848年 ギュスターヴ・カイユボット、画家   * Gustave Caillebotte *   http://caillebotte.net  http://www.nga.gov/content/ngaweb/exhibitions/2015/gustave-caillebotte.html    

_ Gustave Caillebotte (1848–1894) A collection   https://youtu.be/_gXiphOrFAY  _ Ernest Chausson, Sicilienne, Gustave Caillebotte  https://youtu.be/czKla3t6u0s  _ Gustave Caillebotte The Complete Paintings  https://youtu.be/feenhBx8aSM   

_ No Signal 😶 [Chillhop Halloween Mix]   https://youtu.be/8RloV4t8WTE  



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