- 23. JULY * Daniel Radcliffe *

    1. JULY * Daniel Radcliffe *

203日  あと162日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:42 SUNSET-18:53 MOON-24.0 DAYS

_ Unique 'spear lord' dinosaur to be returned to Brazil https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/unique-spear-lord-dinosaur-to-be-returned-to-brazil

犬の日(ドッグデー), )米騒動の日, 宇和島和霊祭, カシスの日, 相馬野馬追い祭り(福島県相馬市), ふみの日, 文月ふみの日, 革命記念日 (エジプト),

1989年 ダニエル・ラドクリフ (英:俳優『ハリー・ポッター』) * Daniel Radcliffe * http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0705356/

_ Sandra Bullock And Daniel Radcliffe On The Celebrities They Regularly https://youtu.be/GR-iGG0ecwk _ WEIRD: THE AL YANKOVIC STORY Teaser Trailer (2022) Daniel Radcliffe https://youtu.be/pEUIr4mYa5M _ Harry Potter (2001 vs 2022) Cast: Then and Now [21 Years After] https://youtu.be/EUpqlk8sGP0

_ Relax Music - Tropical Night Bossa Nova - Smooth Bossa Nova https://youtu.be/HfTilOmpke8


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