- 21. MAY * Henri Rousseau *

    1. MAY * Henri Rousseau *
  • 141日  あと224日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:32 SUNSET-18:44 MOON-20.3 DAYS4

_ How do you capture the ‘essence of touch’—especially during https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/article/how-do-you-capture-the-essence-of-touchespecially-during-a-pandemic

小満、 対話と発展のための世界文化多様性デー(World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development), 小学校開校の日, リンドバーグ翼の日, 真宗本派親鸞聖人誕生会,

1844年 アンリ・ルソー (仏:画家『眠るジプシー女』) * Henri Julien Felix Rousseau * https://www.wikiart.org/en/henri-rousseau https://www.henrirousseau.org/

_ Henri Rousseau Art Video with Relaxing Music https://youtu.be/QOdrlebqFBo _ Henri Rousseau The Dream Le Rêve at MoMA https://youtu.be/RLaEoLy1gms _ other projects - henri rousseau paintings animated https://youtu.be/vWQpZiiN4Hw

_ Piano Jazz: Relax Slow Jazz Piano Coffee Music to Chill Out https://youtu.be/3ROYHyMd6aA
