_ Siberian tigers are being hunted at night for their body parts https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/siberian-tigers-are-being-hunted-at-night-for-their-body-parts
金の日,ゴールドラッシュデー, 法律扶助の日, とげぬき地蔵大祭, 初地蔵, 郵便制度施行記念日, ボーイスカウト創立記念日,
1984年 Apple Macintosh The Apple Macintosh revolutionized the entire computer industry http://www.mac-history.net/top/2011-01-24/the-history-of-the-apple-macintosh
_ Apple iMac Evolution / History 1984-2020 https://youtu.be/Ph8fUTYhoBA _ Apple Macintosh 1984 Commercial https://youtu.be/3vq9p00T08I _ Apple Macintosh - Animations Toolkit (1984) by Ann Arbor Softworks https://youtu.be/H_1bfQnlpWM _ Macintosh System 1 (1984) - Demo and Comparison https://youtu.be/KB9TbZ77FEo