- 31. DECEMBER * Henri Matisse *

    1. DECEMBER * Henri Matisse * 364日  あと01日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:50 SUNSET-16:37 MOON-25.8 DAYS

_ Here’s the best spot on Earth to see polar bears in the wild https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/heres-the-best-spot-on-earth-to-see-polar-bears-in-the-wild

除夜, 大はらい, 大晦日, 年越し, New Year's Eve, 武道越年けいこ(武道館), シンデレラデー, なまはげ秋田県男鹿半島), そばの日, 寅彦忌,冬彦忌, 一碧楼忌,

1869年 アンリ・マティス (仏:画家) * Henri Matisse * http://www.henri-matisse.net/

_ Henri Matisse Understanding Modern Art https://youtu.be/z4jSchxv6t4 _ Henri Matisse: A collection of 812 works (HD) https://youtu.be/D1wume443zY _ Art with Mati and Dada – Henri Matisse | Kids Animated Short Stories
https://youtu.be/s37OoBXkYAc _ Henri Matisse ‘Jazz’ | #TogetherInArt Behind the Scenes https://youtu.be/bZwFY-nzUf4

_ Morning Cafe: Warm December Jazz & Bossa Nova - Winter Jazz https://youtu.be/CUBBp1E1Fqs
