- 27. OCTOBER * Roy Lichtenstein *

    1. OCTOBER * Roy Lichtenstein * 300日  あと65日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:58 SUNSET-16:51 MOON-20.7 DAYS

_ Signs of an extreme planet found in another galaxy https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/signs-of-an-extreme-planet-found-in-another-galaxyå

テディベアズ・デー, 読書の日, 世界新記録の日, 仏壇の日, ツナの日, 文字・活字文化の日, 松陰忌,

1923年 ロイ・リキテンスタイン(画家) * Roy Lichtenstein * http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/exhibitions/Lichtenstein

_ Roy Lichtenstein Explains the Ideas Behind his Artwork (1966). https://youtu.be/Z2oOlztmjDw _ ROY LICHTENSTEIN - POP ART https://youtu.be/MF4ls9BFPCw _ Animated Pop Art: Roy Lichtenstein music video

_ Vintage Bossa Café - Two hours of Bossa and Jazz - Vol.1 - 3 https://youtu.be/FSOO1dPaZOg
