189日 あと176日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:32 SUNSET-19:00 MOON-27.7 DAYS
_ Trout can become ‘addicted’ to meth. Here's why that’s so scary. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/trout-can-become-addicted-to-meth-heres-why-thats-so-scary
質屋の日, ナンパの日, 大蔵省・外務省開庁記念日, 那覇の日, なはの日, ベイエフエムの日, 二輪・自転車安全日, 屋根の日, 果物の日,
1889年『ウォールストリート・ジャーナル』創刊 * The Wall Street Journal * http://wsjdn.wsj.com/
_ The Economics of IKEA: Why Does Labor Lead to Love? https://youtu.be/tkfq__rdoD0 _ Behind Costco's Treasure-Hunt Shopping Strategy | https://youtu.be/BOHG-TGip3Q _ Your Coffee Is Getting More Expensive. Here’s Why | WSJ https://youtu.be/2MwnCpzukj4
_ Deep Within the Forest 🌿 Chill lofi HipHop Mix https://youtu.be/tBDVLey1DIE