- 29. MAY * John Fitzgerald Kennedy *

149日  あと216日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:28 SUNSET-18:49 MOON-17.3 DAYS

_ What happens when cicadas erupt en masse right into the National Zoo? https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/what-happens-when-cicadas-erupt-en-masse-right-into-the-national-zoo

呉服の日, エベレスト登頂記念日, こんにゃくの日, 肉の日, 白櫻忌, 与謝野晶子忌, 多佳子忌, 国連平和維持要員の国際デー(International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers), 幸福の日,

1917年 ジョン・F・ケネディ、第35代アメリカ合衆国大統領 * John Fitzgerald Kennedy * http://www.jfklibrary.org/ http://millercenter.org/president/kennedy

_ Let Us Begin Beguine/John Fitzgerald Kennedy https://youtu.be/4DMURserfvA _ John F. Kennedy: The 35th President of the United States | Biography https://youtu.be/56wg7-f4hFk _ August 2, 1963 - President John F. Kennedy posing with his children https://youtu.be/QEG5PCd5L5Q

_ Relax Music - Wonderland Bossa - Summer Bossa Nova https://youtu.be/Xcm9jzqJvYQ
