- 21. MARCH * Nikos Skalkottas *

81日  あと284日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:42 SUNSET-17:54 MOON-0.87 DAYS

_ How a TV crew meticulously recreated Aretha Franklin’s https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/how-tv-crew-meticulously-recreated-aretha-franklin-extraordinary-life

国連水の日(World Day for Water), NHK放送記念日, 奈良法隆寺会式, 夫婦の日,

1963年 - ビートルズ初のアルバム「プリーズ・プリーズ・ミー」が発売。 * The Beatles *' first album, Please Please Me, was released. https://www.discogs.com/ja/The-Beatles-Please-Please-Me/release/1350468

_ The Fab Four - Please Please Me https://youtu.be/XfVXL2-oCz8 _ Bootleg Beatles - Please Please Me https://youtu.be/vcNkx8WBW8Q _ THE MEETLES • Please Please Me • John Lennon's Birthday https://youtu.be/5TcD76f1-bc _ Please Please Me (The Beatles) performed by The Atlantics https://youtu.be/T_LkqqtJ1-g
