- 03. MARCH * Time *

62日  あと303日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:09 SUNSET-17:38 MOON-19.3 DAYS

_ Playing it cool: these artists make music with ice https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/playing-it-cool-these-artists-make-music-with-ice

ひな祭り, 耳の日, 桃の節句, 上巳, 闘鶏の節句, 平和の日, 新潟浦佐押合祭, ジグソーパズルの日, サルサの日, 聖クニグンデの日, 世界野生生物の日, 民放ラジオの日, オーディオブックの日, 金魚の日,

1923年 アメリカ初の週刊ニュース雑誌『タイム』が創刊。 * Time * It was first published in New York City on March 3, https://time.com/vault/year/1923/ https://time.com/4684747/first-issue-vault/ https://time.com/

_ Amanda Gorman on Poetry, Beauty and Sudden Fame | TIME https://youtu.be/qloAWjTQiCM _ Sanna Marin | TIME 100 Next https://youtu.be/l7sHdPmqVgs _ The Largest Production Ever Filmed In Space With Astronauts https://youtu.be/v5DakA3rCIo

_ NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mission Real-time Tracker https://youtu.be/w9zFaCNXTCY
