359日 あと7日 TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:48 SUNSET-16:33 MOON-09.4 DAYS
_ How to keep kids engaged over the holiday break https://www.nationalgeographic.com/family/2020/12/how-to-keep-kids-engaged-over-the-holiday-break/
クリスマス・イヴ, 削り節の日, 納めの地蔵,
????年 * Tony Tony. Chopper * トニートニー・チョッパー https://one-piece.com/log/character/detail/chopper.html
_ All Transformation Of Tony Tony Chopper (2019) https://youtu.be/4Nx-JSQlaKI _ One Piece - Luffy, Chopper and Carrot love sweets https://youtu.be/szOLkmUzGQs _ Historia de Chopper y Hiruluk https://youtu.be/PDKeoRdRnNo _ Christmas Lounge: Christmas Jazz Piano with Fireplace Sounds https://youtu.be/mkVlOcuGY8w