
Philip Kindred Dick *

http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001140/_ The world according to Philip K Dick Mirrored from DW https://youtu.be/7g29t_YI66U _ Philip K Dick - Fascinating Rare Interview https://youtu.be/7C7Y8WEIsBU _ Top 10 Philip K Dick Adaptations https://yo…

- 16. DECEMBER * Philip Kindred Dick *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:44 SUNSET-16:29 MOON-08.8 DAYS_ Our most memorable maps and graphics from 2018 https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2018/12/most-memorable-maps-and-graphics-of-2018/電話の日, 紙の記念日, 念仏の口止め, 1928年 フィリ…