
Orson Scott Card *

http://www.hatrack.com/_ Creative education--how to keep the spark alive in children https://youtu.be/weBTtaMqpHM _ My Favorite Scifi - Fat Farm by Orson Scott Card https://youtu.be/Zqy7mq7Rjhg _ Orson Scott Card talks "Ender's Game" on De…

- 24. AUGUST * Orson Scott Card *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:06 SUNSET-18:20 MOON-12.7 DAYS_ Remembering an African Lion That Defied Death https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2018/08/c-boy-african-lion-obituary-wildlife-news/京都地蔵盆, 大噴火の日,ポンペイ最後の日, ラグビー…