
- 30. SEPTEMBER * Marc Bolan *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:34 SUNSET-17:27 MOON-01.4 DAYS _ Celebrate the Your Shot community with these striking photos https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/your-shot/your-shot-editors-celebrating-community/ そばの日, クレーンの日, くるみ…

-29. SEPTEMBER * Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:34 SUNSET-17:329 MOON-00.4 DAYS _ Edison and Tesla's cutthroat 'Current War' ushered in the electric age https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/magazine/2016/07-08/edison-tesla-current-war-ushered-electric-age/ クリー…

-28. SEPTEMBER * Ed Sullivan *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:33 SUNSET-17:30 MOON-28.7 DAYS _ ‘Listen and help us’: Kids worldwide are on strike for the climate https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/09/kids-march-climate-action/ パソコン記念日, 世界狂犬病デー, プライバ…

-27. SEPTEMBER * Bud Powell *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:32 SUNSET-17:32 MOON-27.7 DAYS _ How much is a whale worth? https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/09/how-much-is-a-whale-worth/ 仏壇の日, 世界観光の日, 女性ドライバーの日, 鬼城忌, 1924年 バド・パウエル (米:ジ…

-26. SEPTEMBER * George Gershwin *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:31 SUNSET-17:33 MOON-26.7 DAYS _ Less than 3 percent of the ocean is 'highly protected' https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/09/paper-parks-undermine-marine-protected-areas/ 彼岸明け, ワープロの日, 伊勢湾台…

- 25. JANUARY * Mark Hamill *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:31 SUNSET-17:35 MOON-25.7 DAYS _ Hippo and hyena touch noses in rare encounter https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/09/hippo-hyena-rare-encounter-zambia/ 10円カレーの日「松本楼」, 藤ノ木古墳記念日, 1951年 マーク…

- 24. SEPTEMBER * Jonny Heykens *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:30 SUNSET-17:36 MOON-24.7 DAYS _ Tiny number of elephant seal 'supermoms' produce most pups https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/09/elephant-seals-supermoms-pups/ 清掃の日, 畳の日, 歯科技工士記念日, みどりの窓口…

-23. SEPTEMBER * John William Coltrane *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:29 SUNSET-17:38 MOON-23.7 DAYS _ Trade in sea turtle products is banned, but they’re still sold https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/09/sea-turtles-for-sale-in-japan/ 愛馬の日, 秋分の日, 動物愛護デー, 万年筆の日…

-22. SEPTEMBER * Ronaldo *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:28 SUNSET-17:39 MOON-22.7 DAYS _ This is what cities need to do by 2050 to meet climate goals https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/09/zero-carbon-cities-future/ 救世軍日本伝道記念日, 孤児院の日, カーフリーデ…

-21. SEPTEMBER * Stephen King *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:27 SUNSET-17:41 MOON-21.7 DAYS _ ‘Listen and help us’: Kids worldwide are on strike for the climate https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/09/kids-march-climate-action/ 国際平和デー,世界停戦日, ファッションシ…

-20. SEPTEMBER * Sophia Loren *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:27 SUNSET-17:42 MOON-20.7 DAYS _ Magellan was first to sail around the world, right? Think again. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/2019/09/magellan-first-sail-around-world-think-again/ バスの日, 航空の日, 秋の彼…

-19. SEPTEMBER * Muhal Richard Abrams *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:26 SUNSET-17:44 MOON-19.7 DAYS _ Rare polka-dotted zebra foal photographed in Kenya https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/09/zebra-pseudo-melanism-kenya-masai/ 苗字の日、トークの日, 独立記念日(セントクリストファ…

-18. SEPTEMBER * The New York Times *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:25 SUNSET-17:45 MOON-18.7 DAYS _ Scientists are about to spend a year trapped in Arctic ice https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/09/inside-training-for-mosaic-largest-arctic-expedition-in-history/ 遠野まつり…

-17. SEPTEMBER * Griffes *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:24 SUNSET-17:46 MOON-17.7 DAYS _ Huge decline in songbirds linked to common insecticide https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/09/widely-used-pesticide-makes-birds-lose-weight/ 文学者ウィーク, モノレール開業記…

- 16. OCTOBER * B. B. King *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:24 SUNSET-17:48 MOON-16.7 DAYS _ Explosions may have created weird lakes on Saturn's largest moon https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/09/lakes-on-saturn-moon-titan-formed-by-nitrogen-explosions-cassini/ ボスの…

-15. SEPTEMBER * Marco Polo *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:23 SUNSET-17:49 MOON-15.7 DAYS _ HISTORY MAGAZINE Marco Polo's odyssey spawned one of the world https://www.nationalgeographic.com/archaeology-and-history/magazine/2019/09-10/explorations-of-marco-polo/ ふとんの日, マスカ…

-14. SEPTEMBER * Luigi Cherubini *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:22 SUNSET-17:51 MOON-14.7 DAYS _ Bizarre comet from another star system just spotted https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/09/bizarre-interstellar-comet-from-another-star-system-just-spotted/ メンズバレンタインデ…

-13. SEPTEMBER * Roald Dahl *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:21 SUNSET-17:52 MOON-13.7 DAYS _ New 'frozen dragon' pterosaur found hiding in plain sight https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/09/cryodrakon-new-frozen-dragon-pterosaur-found-hiding-in-plain-sight/ 司法保護記念…

-12. SEPTEMBER * Hans Zimmer *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:21 SUNSET-17:54 MOON-12.7 DAYS _ Meet Lori, a tiny dinosaur that may help explain how birds https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/07/new-dinosaur-species-velociraptor-cousin-lori-may-upend-flight-evolution-theori…

-11. SEPTEMBER * Brian De Palma *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:20 SUNSET-17:55 MOON-11.7 DAYS _ Alaska’s last vast wild place is open for drilling. Will the https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/09/alaska-petroleum-reserve/ 二百二十日, 公衆電話の日, 警察相談の日, 愛国者…

-10. SEPTEMBER * Masahiko Kimura *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:19 SUNSET-17:57 MOON-10.7 DAYS _ Hundreds of wild parrots are thriving in this Brazilian city https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/09/macaws-parrots-brazil-urban-wildlife/ カラーテレビ放送記念日, 屋外広告の日, …

- 09. SEPTEMBER * Otis Redding *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:18 SUNSET-17:58 MOON-09.7 DAYS _ How the East India Company became the world’s most powerful https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/topics/reference/british-east-india-trading-company-most-powerful-business/ 菊の節句, …

- 08. SEPTEMBER * Antonin Leopold Dvorak *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:18 SUNSET-18:00 MOON-08.7 DAYS _ STORMS AND SUPERSTITIONS https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/photo-of-the-day/2019/08/arizona-rainbow-storm-cactus-desert/ サンフランシスコ平和条約記念日, 国際識字デー, ニューヨ…

- 07. SEPTEMBER * Sonny Rollins *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:17 SUNSET-18:01 MOON-07.7 DAYS _ How tampons and pads became so unsustainable https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/09/how-tampons-pads-became-unsustainable-story-of-plastic/ 国際青年デー, CMソングの日, クリ…

- 06. SEPTEMBER * Shinichi Hoshi * 星新一

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:16 SUNSET-18:02 MOON-06.7 DAYS _ Bug smuggling is big business https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/09/bug-smuggling-big-business/ 妹の日, 黒の日, クロスワードの日, 鹿児島黒牛・黒豚の日, 黒酢の日, 生クリームの日…

- 05. SEPTEMBER * John Milton Cage Jr. *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:15 SUNSET-18:04 MOON-05.7 DAYS _ New discovery shows how T. rex kept its brain cool https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/09/new-discovery-shows-how-tyrannosaurus-rex-kept-its-brain-cool/ 石炭の日(クリーンコール…

- 04. SEPTEMBER * Anton Bruckner *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:15 SUNSET-18:05 MOON-04.7 DAYS _ Go wild at the 10 least-visited U.S. national parks https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/destinations/north-america/united-states/national-parks/least-visited/ くしの日, 関西国際空港開…

- 03. SEPTEMBER * Freddie King *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:14 SUNSET-18:07 MOON-03.7 DAYS _ See the best pictures of summer from Nat Geo photographers https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/lists/seasonal/pictures-of-summer-from-nat-geo-photographers/ ホームラン記念日, 草野球の…

- 02. SEPTEMBER * Horace Silver *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:13 SUNSET-18:08 MOON-02.7 DAYS _ Mako sharks get new protections from trade https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/08/mako-shark-protections-cites/ 宝くじの日, ダイアナ靴の日, ベトナム国祭日 (ベトナム), 対日戦勝記…

- 01. SEPTEMBER * Johann Pachelbel *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:12 SUNSET-18:10 MOON-01.7 DAYS _ 8 takeaways from the most important wildlife event you’ve https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/08/takeaways-cites-wildlife-conference-geneva/ 関東大震災記念日, 二百十日, 防災の日…