
- 31. AUGUST * Richard Gere *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:12 SUNSET-18:11 MOON-00.7 DAYS _ Auroras may light up the night sky this Labor Day weekend https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/08/auroras-may-light-up-night-sky-this-labor-day-weekend/ 野菜の日,天長節, そばの…

- 30. AUGUST * Cameron Diaz *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:11 SUNSET-18:12 MOON-29.0 DAYS _ The history of Hong Kong, visualized https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/topics/reference/hong-kong-history-visualized/ ナイルの日, みその日, 富士山測候所記念日, マッカーサー進駐記念…

- 29. AUGUST * Michael Jackson *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:10 SUNSET-18:14 MOON-28.0 DAYS _ DNA study deepens mystery of lake full of skeletons https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/2019/08/dna-study-deepens-mystery-lake-skeletons-roopkund/ 文化財保護法施行記念日, ベルばらの…

- 28. AUGUST * Tasha Tudor *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:09 SUNSET-18:15 MOON-27.0 DAYS _ See 10 of Earth's most alien landscapes https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/08/see-10-of-earths-most-alien-landscapes/ 二輪・自転車安全日, 民放テレビスタートの日, にわとりの日, …

- 27. AUGUST * Lester Willis Young *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:09 SUNSET-18:16 MOON-26.0 DAYS _ Largest marine protected area in Atlantic Ocean will soon https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/08/largest-atlantic-marine-protected-area-ascension-island/ 仏壇の日, 『男はつ…

- 26. AUGUST * Mr.Children *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:08 SUNSET-18:18 MOON-25.0 DAYS _ What the Amazon fires mean for wild animals https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/08/how-the-amazon-rainforest-wildfires-will-affect-wild-animals/?cmpid=int_org=ngp::int_mc=websit…

- 25. AUGUST * Elvis Costello *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:07 SUNSET-18:19 MOON-24.0 DAYS _ Most slave shipwrecks have been overlooked—until now https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/2019/08/most-slave-shipwrecks-overlooked-until-now/ チキンラーメン誕生の日, サマークリスマス,…

- 24. AUGUST * Orson Scott Card *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:06 SUNSET-18:20 MOON-23.0 DAYS _ Near the Amazon fires, residents are sick, worried, and angry https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/08/near-brazil-amazon-fires-residents-sick-worried-angry/ 京都地蔵盆, 大噴…

- 23. AUGUST * Gene Kelly *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:06 SUNSET-18:22 MOON-22.0 DAYS _ This is what it's like to swim through the Great Pacific https://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/2019/08/great-pacific-garbage-patch-swim-science/ 空中での人形芝居が見れる伊奈の綱火(…

- 22. AUGUST * Claude Achille Debussy *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:05 SUNSET-18:23 MOON-21.0 DAYS _ Hidden Penguin Mega-Colonies Discovered in Antarctica https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2018/03/adelie-penguins-colonies-discovered-antarctica-environment/ 一遍上人忌, チンチン電車の…

- 21. AUGUST * Count Basie *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:04 SUNSET-18:24 MOON-20.0 DAYS _ Colossal crabs may hold clue to Amelia Earhart fate https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/2019/08/colossal-crabs-hold-clue-amelia-earhart-fate/ 漬物の日, 噴水の日, 献血記念日, パーフェ…

- 20. AUGUST * Howard Phillips Lovecraft *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:03 SUNSET-18:25 MOON-19.0 DAYS _ Some animals can adapt to climate change—just not fast enough https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/08/many-animals-can-adapt-climate-change-just-not-fast-enough-/ 3色信号設置…

- 19. AUGUST * Gustave Caillebotte *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:02 SUNSET-18:27 MOON-18.0 DAYS _ Why Japan stopped some of its controversial whale hunts https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/08/japan-sanctions-over-whale-meat/ 俳句の日, バイクの日, クラシック音楽の日, マール…

- 18. AUGUST * Antonio Salieri *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:02 SUNSET-18:28 MOON-17.0 DAYS _ The world’s biggest conference on wildlife trade is happening. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/08/breaking-news-from-cites/ 伝教大師誕生会, 高校野球記念日, 平戸ジャンガラ(…

- 17. AUGUST * Eric Johnson *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:01 SUNSET-18:29 MOON-16.0 DAYS _ Astronomers probably just saw a black hole swallow a dead star https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/08/astronomers-probably-just-saw-black-hole-swallow-neutron-star/ 松島灯篭流し…

- 16. AUGUST * Bill Evans *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-05:00 SUNSET-18:30 MOON-15.0 DAYS _ A thawing Arctic is heating up a new Cold War https://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/2019/08/how-climate-change-is-setting-the-stage-for-the-new-arctic-cold-war-feature/ 精霊流し, 女…

- 15. AUGUST * Oscar Peterson *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:59 SUNSET-18:31 MOON-14.0 DAYS _ Beavers on the coast are helping salmon bounce back. Here’s how. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/08/coastal-beavers-help-salmon-recovery-washington/ ふるさとデー, 国民祈念日…

- 14. AUGUST * Ernest Thompson Seton *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:59 SUNSET-18:33 MOON-13.0 DAYS _ 400 years ago, enslaved Africans first arrived in Virginia https://www.nationalgeographic.com/archaeology-and-history/magazine/2019/07-08/virginia-first-africans-transatlantic-slave-trade/ …

- 13. AUGUST * Alfred Joseph Hitchcock *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:58 SUNSET-18:34 MOON-12.0 DAYS _ In the 21st century, we are all migrants https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2019/08/we-all-are-migrants-in-the-21st-century/ 月遅れ盆迎え火, 函館夜景の日, 左利きの日, 女神ヘカテに…

- 12. AUGUST * Mark Knopfler *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:57 SUNSET-18:35 MOON-11.0 DAYS _ India’s holiest river is drying up https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/2019/08/india-ganges-river-drying-up/ 提灯1300個が見られる高松まつり(香川県), 君が代記念日, 阿波踊り(徳島県…

- 11. AUGUST * Steve Wozniak *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:56 SUNSET-18:36 MOON-10.0 DAYS _ Why we like what we like: A scientist’s surprising findings https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/08/why-we-like-what-we-like-a-scientists-surprising-findings/ ガンバレの日,スポ…

- 10. AUGUST * Snoopy *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:55 SUNSET-18:37 MOON-09.0 DAYS _ India’s holiest river is drying up https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/2019/08/india-ganges-river-drying-up/ 健康ハートの日, 道の日, 帽子の日, 国民皆泳の日, トイレの日, 宿の日, パレ…

- 09. AUGUST * Tove Marika Jansson *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:55 SUNSET-18:38 MOON-08.0 DAYS _ See the lives of street cats around the world https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2018/12/street-cat-grand-odyssey-photos-morandi/ 長崎原爆の日,長崎原爆忌, 野球の日, ハリ・灸の日, …

- 08. AUGUST * Faye Wong *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:54 SUNSET-18:40\39 MOON-07.0 DAYS _ This toddler-size parrot was a prehistoric oddity https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/08/fossils-15-pound-parrot-found-new-zealand-kakapo/ そろばんの日, ひげの日, タコの日, …

- 07. AUGUST * James Randi *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:53 SUNSET-18:40 MOON-06.0 DAYS _ ‘Show Up With Hope’: Anne Lamott’s Plan for Facing Adversity https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2018/10/embark-essay-anne-lamott-hope-adversity-conflict-climate-change/ 花の日, 鼻…

- 06. AUGUST * Andy Warhol *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:52 SUNSET-18:41 MOON-05.0 DAYS _ Ancient Maya practiced 'total war' well before climate stress https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/2019/08/ancient-maya-practiced-total-war-before-drought/ 広島平和記念日,広島原爆忌,…

- 05. AUGUST * Ilya Yefimovich Repin *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:51 SUNSET-18:42 MOON-04.0 DAYS _ Seabirds that eat plastic—and live—have major health problems https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/08/seabirds-eat-plastic-major-health-effects/ 久留米祭, 河口湖湖上祭(山梨…

- 04. AUGUST * William Schuman *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:51 SUNSET-18:43 MOON-03.0 DAYS _ See why the world’s best subway lines are destinations https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/lists/transportation/worlds-best-subway-rides/ 箸の日・箸供養(箸の感謝祭), 橋の日, ビアホ…

- 03. AUGUST * Tony Bennett *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:50 SUNSET-18:44 MOON-02.0 DAYS _ 112-year-old fish has broken a longevity record https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/08/oldest-freshwater-fish-discovered-radiocarbon-dating/ はちみつの日, 破産の日, ハモの日, 独…

- 02. AUGUST * Peter O'Toole *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:49 SUNSET-18:45 MOON-01.0 DAYS _ The Milky Way is warped around the edges, new star map confirms https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/08/milky-way-galaxy-has-warped-disk-star-map-confirms/ パンツの日, 学制発布(…