
- 15. FEBRUARY * Matt Groening *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:29 SUNSET-17:22 MOON-06.5 DAYS_ Your Photos of Romantic, Beautiful Destinations http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/travel/countries/your-romantic-destinations-photos/#/big-sur-california-beach_48534_600x450.jpg春一番名附…

Newton Mendonca *

http://www.vagalume.com.br/newton-mendonca/_ Antonio Carlos Jobim & Newton Mendonça - Acoustic https://youtu.be/dRgfmKcINLU _ Mika "Desafinado" (Tom Jobim - Newton Mendonça) 2013.10.24 https://youtu.be/asKxVyWQZXQ _ Meditation (Meditação) …

- 14. FEBRUARY * Newton Mendonca *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:30 SUNSET-17:21 MOON-05.5 DAYS_ The World’s Weirdest Hearts for Valentine’s Day http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/02/160213-animals-science-hearts-valentines-day-giraffes/バレンタインデー, ネクタイの日, チョコレート…

Peter Brian Gabriel *

http://petergabriel.com/_ Sting & Peter Gabriel - Rock Paper Scissors https://youtu.be/NcnDruzTLto _ Peter Gabriel With New Blood Orchestra, Live https://youtu.be/IDBbvqoXrn4 _ Peter Gabriel - Argentina 22nd March 2009 https://youtu.be/vw8…

- 13. FEBRUARY * Peter Gabriel *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:31 SUNSET-17:20 MOON-04.5 DAYS_ Taking Aim at Nature's Bullies in the Seychelles http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2016/03/seychelles-islands-nature-reserve-national-parks/苗字制定の日, 銀行強盗の日, 甲府湯村厄除…

Steve Hackett *

http://www.hackettsongs.com/_ Steve Hackett live @ De Boerderij 2015 - Zoetermeer https://youtu.be/OTo5GSAccYc _ Steve Hackett - Access All Areas https://youtu.be/nEKHEmPqcSAhttp://dilbert.com/strip/2016-02-11

- 12. FEBRUARY * Steve Hackett *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:32 SUNSET-17:19 MOON-03.5 DAYS_ What's Behind That Box of Chocolates? http://theplate.nationalgeographic.com/2016/02/08/whats-behind-that-box-of-valentines-chocolates/岡山安養寺会陽, パンの日, 豆腐の日, ダーウィンの日(Darw…

Sergio Mendes *

http://www.sergiomendesmusic.com/_ ENCANTO SERGIO MENDES FULL ALBUM https://youtu.be/okwD-IefNyI _ Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66 - A&M Records https://youtu.be/N6dbjMPhcEE _ Sergio Mendes https://youtu.be/v1d8oaumRkkhttp://dilbert.com/strip/2…

- 11. FEBRUARY * Sergio Mendes *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:33 SUNSET-17:18 MOON-02.5 DAYS_ Einstein May Be About to Be Proven Right―Again http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/02/160210-einstein-right-gravitational-waves-science/建国記念の日, 万歳三唱の日, 文化勲章制定記念日, 干…

Chloe Moretz *

http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1631269/ http://chloemoretz.com/_ NEIGHBORS 2 Official Trailer (2016) https://youtu.be/XaWluH5Z3mA _ Chloe Moretz: Top 10 Film Roles https://youtu.be/YN2dBK1FWB8http://dilbert.com/strip/2016-02-09

- 10. FEBRUARY * Chloe Moretz *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:34 SUNSET-17:17 MOON-01.5 DAYS_ What Travelers Need to Know About the Zika Virus http://intelligenttravel.nationalgeographic.com/2016/02/05/what-travelers-need-to-know-about-the-zika-virus/ニットの日, 左利きの日, ふきのと…

Ziyi Zhang *

http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0955471/_ Wong Kar-wei's The Grandmasters: Beautiful Ziyi Zhang https://youtu.be/OPVC-ZgVCtk _ House.of.Flying.Daggers https://youtu.be/E2yZcp9svws _ Ziyi Zhang va Max Zhang - train station fight https://youtu.be…

- 09. FEBRUARY * Ziyi Zhang *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:35 SUNSET-17:16 MOON-00.5 DAYS_ This Week: A Meteor Shower, Dancing Giant Worlds http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/02/160208-astronomy-stargazing-night-sky-moon-planets-star/ふぐの日, 漫画の日, 服の日, 風の日, 福の日…

Jules Verne *

http://jv.gilead.org.il/ http://www.online-literature.com/verne/_ 20000 Leagues Under the Sea Jules Verne Full audiobook https://youtu.be/1Lx__Po1nFM _ Le Straordinarie Avventure Di Jules Verne S01e11 https://youtu.be/Zo544dLL5po _ Jules V…

- 08. JUNE * Jules Verne *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:36 SUNSET-17:15 MOON-29.1 DAYS_ Our Best Daily Photos of 2016 So Far http://proof.nationalgeographic.com/2016/02/02/photo-of-the-day-best-of-january-3/〒マークの日, 針供養, 御事始め, ロカビリーの日, 節忌, 1828年 ジュール・…

Carl Wilhelm Eugen Stenhammar *

http://imslp.org/wiki/Category:Stenhammar,_Wilhelm_ Stenhammar - Fantasia Opus 11 N°1 - Ines Morales https://youtu.be/f7r2silTRUg _ Wilhelm Stenhammar - Violin Sonata, Op. 19 https://youtu.be/oPq6CB1kruE _ Wilhelm Stenhammar - Symphony No.…

- 07. FEBRUARY * Carl Wilhelm Eugen Stenhammar *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:37 SUNSET-17:14 MOON-28.1 DAYS_ Compete With the Fleet http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/wicked-tuna/interactives/wicked-tuna-leaderboard/北方領土の日, 長野の日,オリンピックメモリアルデー, 福井県ふるさとの日, 瓜人忌, …

Bob Marley *

http://web.bobmarley.com/_ Bob Marley - In Concert (Live) https://youtu.be/Rpr9Bc-CHh0 _ Bob Marley and the Wailers | Uprising(1980) https://youtu.be/rEhNVZ5OWsM _ Bob Marley Live in Santa Barbara Full Concert 1979 https://youtu.be/oHY7Fp-…

- 06. FEBRUARY * Bob Marley *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:38 SUNSET-17:13 MOON-27.1 DAYS_ Underground Labyrinths Are Energy Powerhouses http://news.nationalgeographic.com/energy/2016/02/160205-district-energy-city-underground-energy/大沼・函館雪と氷の祭典, 抹茶の日, 初午, 海苔の…

Tony Jaa *

http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1388074/_ SPL II (2015) Fight scenes - Tony Jaa &Jack https://youtu.be/7Wu2qkffyvg _ Body Guard | Dubbed Tamil Full Movie https://youtu.be/wrmhXQXW32E _ Tony Jaa vs Marrese Crump YouTube https://youtu.be/pl0eUS-6…

- 05. FEBRUARY * Tony Jaa *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:39 SUNSET-17:12 MOON-26.1 DAYS_ Brightest Saturn Ring Holds an Optical Illusion http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/02/160203-saturn-ring-optical-illusion-opacity-space-science/#/職業野球連盟設立の日, プロ野球の日,長崎…

Johann Ludwig Bach *

http://www.allmusic.com/artist/johann-ludwig-bach-mn0001580517/biography_ Johann Ludwig BACH - Unsere Trübsal, https://youtu.be/3OWAd_-EXCI _ Johann Ludwig Bach Ouverture in G https://youtu.be/-LcMgVzZXxchttp://dilbert.com/strip/2016-02-03

- 04. FEBRUARY * Johann Ludwig Bach *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:39 SUNSET-17:11 MOON-25.1 DAYS_ China Releases Stunning Moon Photos http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/02/160202-china-moon-lunar-lander-photo-picture-space/銀閣寺の日, 西の日, 独立記念日 (スリランカ), 世界がんデー(Wo…

Norman Rockwell *

http://www.nrm.org/_ Norman Rockwell: Paintings, Biography, Artwork, Book, https://youtu.be/x1jOOhp4OLw _ Pawn Stars: Norman Rockwell Lithographs | History https://youtu.be/ya_-0VVo7tQ _ Norman Rockwell Suite (ノーマン・ロックウェル組曲) h…

- 03. FEBRUARY * Norman Rockwell *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:40 SUNSET-17:10 MOON-24.1 DAYS_ Climbers Set Speed Record on Patagonian Mountain http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/02/160201-groundhog-day-punxsutawney-pennsylvania-phil-holiday-winter/のり巻きの日, 節分, 成田山節分…

Stan Getz *

http://www.stangetz.net/index.html_ Stan Getz - Voyage (Full Album) https://youtu.be/kowHSx8CXgg _ Stan Getz with Bill Evans Trio - But Beautiful https://youtu.be/4Xh3IMWzF_s _ Stan Getz and The Oscar Peterson Trio https://youtu.be/OO-cS8V…

- 02. FEBRUARY * Stan Getz *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:41 SUNSET-17:09 MOON-23.1 DAYS_ What Are Groundhogs Really Looking For? http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/02/160201-groundhog-day-punxsutawney-pennsylvania-phil-holiday-winter/国際航空業務再開の日, 世界湿地デー(World…

Joe Sample *

http://www.vervemusicgroup.com/joesample_ Joe Sample Ashes To Ashes https://youtu.be/S6qg31XYykg _ Introducing Joe Sample https://youtu.be/jlPaIcVAPQ8 _ Joe Sample ♪ Oasis ♪ https://youtu.be/uVia1P8DaH8http://dilbert.com/strip/2016-01-31

- 01. FEBRUARY * Joe Sample *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:42 SUNSET-17:08 MOON-22.1 DAYS_ Learning to Live With Leopards http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2015/12/leopards-moving-to-cities-textテレビ放送記念日, 京都市電開業記念日, 省エネルギーの日, ニオイの日, 永平寺涅槃会攝心, …