
- 03. JUNE * Josephine BAKER *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:26 SUNSET-18:52 MOON-15.9 DAYS_ The Hoverboard Isn’t Science Fiction Anymore http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/news/150602-hendo-hoverboard-demo-vin測量の日, 雲仙普賢岳祈りの日, ムーミンの日,国王誕生記念日 (マレー…

Marvin Hamlisch *

http://www.marvinhamlisch.com/_ SAME TIME NEXT YEAR ( MOVIE ) (1978) MARVIN https://youtu.be/ZuN1GKoruqg _ The Swimmer (1968) Soundtrack - Marvin Hamlisch https://youtu.be/bQuMFGtFBbs _ The Sting | Soundtrack Suite (Scott Joplin & Marvin H…

- 02. JUNE * Marvin Hamlisch *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:26 SUNSET-18:52 MOON-14.9 DAYS_ How Ticks Are Turning Moose Into ‘Ghosts’ http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/06/150601-ghost-moose-animals-science-new-england-environment/横浜港開港記念日, 裏切りの日, 路地の日, 長崎港…

Marilyn Monroe *

http://www.marilynmonroe.com/ http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000054/_ Pharrell Williams - Marilyn Monroe https://youtu.be/nXXVMcyy_Ag _ Marilyn Monroe - The Mortal Goddess https://youtu.be/rAMYY3OQljc _ We Remember Marilyn Monroe https://yout…

- 01. JUNE * Marilyn Monroe *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:27 SUNSET-18:51 MOON-13.9 DAYS_ Why Can’t Dogs Recognize Us on Our Phones? http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/05/150530-dogs-animals-psychology-technology-science/ねじの日, 鮎漁解禁, 衣替え, 気象記念日, 国際放送記念日…