
Georgia O'Keeffe *

http://www.okeeffemuseum.org/_ Georgia O'Keeffe: A Life in Art https://youtu.be/NV1w0IK_sdA _ Georgia O'keeffe - Trailer https://youtu.be/ken1TQaXHMU _ Chapter 11 - Georgia O'Keeffe (1977) https://youtu.be/z8yNFVjpkPQhttp://dilbert.com/str…

- 15. NOVEMBER * Georgia O’Keeffe *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:16 SUNSET-16:35 MOON-03.4 DAYS_ This Week's Best Space Pictures http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/11/151113-phobos-titan-winter-pluto-best-space-pictures-science/ボージョレヌーボー解禁, かまぼこの日, きものの日, こん…

Claude Monet *

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claude_Monet http://www.artchive.com/artchive/M/monet.html_ Claude Oscar Monet - The complete works https://youtu.be/1SQXw42wqBI _ Water lilies Monet https://youtu.be/SSE0PRs4xO4 _ Allday - Claude Monet (Offici…

- 14. NOVEMBER * Claude Monet *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:15 SUNSET-16:35 MOON-02.4 DAYS_ Where Our Fear of Friday the 13th Came From http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/11/151113-friday-13-superstition-phobia-triskaidekaphobia-cultureパチンコの日, ウーマンリブの日, いい石の…

Stephen Baxter *

http://www.stephen-baxter.com/_ Book Review | Emperor by Stephen Baxter https://youtu.be/uNmZqnmJkRc _ The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett & Stephen Baxter https://youtu.be/duU3CbCVUHAhttp://dilbert.com/strip/2015-11-12

- 13. NOVEMBER * Stephen Baxter *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:14 SUNSET-16:36 MOON-01.4 DAYS_ Seal Pups: Ferociously Cute and Worth Protecting http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2015/11/12/fur-seal-pups-ferociously-cute-worth-protecting/松明あかし(福島県須川市), 炉開き, うるしの…

Anne Hathaway *

http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/_ Anne Hathaway on Lip Sync Battle https://youtu.be/LguStmm8bRk _ Havoc - Anne Hathaway, Bijou Phillips, https://youtu.be/OAsF7RridWs http://dilbert.com/strip/2015-11-11

- 12. NOVEMBER * Anne Hathaway *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:13 SUNSET-16:37 MOON-00.4 DAYS_ Enter the 2015 National Geographic Photo Contest http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/contest-2015皮膚の日, 洋服記念日, パンの日, 豆腐の日, 心平忌, 1982年 - アン・ハサウェイ、女優

Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio *

http://leonardodicaprio.com/ http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000138/_ The Revenant Official Teaser Trailer #1 (2015) https://youtu.be/oYiT-vLjhC4 _ Leonardo DiCaprio on Oprah Winfrey Show https://youtu.be/v7_4_UJCuIUhttp://dilbert.com/strip/20…

- 11. NOVEMBER * Leonardo DiCaprio *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:12 SUNSET-16:38 MOON-29.1 DAYS_ Why There's Still Not a Human on Mars http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/11/151111-mars-mission-fail-history-astronaut-science世界平和記念日, "退役軍人記念日(Veteran's Day)" (アメリカ合…

Hachiko A Dog's Story *

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1028532/_ Hachiko Monogatari with ENGLISH subtitles HQ https://youtu.be/bi4aurx7dcU _ Hachiko A Dog's Story2009 https://youtu.be/V7fXum4f8Jc _ Hatchi: A Dog's Tale - HD Trailer https://youtu.be/Y6U7mAnPtw4http:/…

- 10. NOVEMBER * Hachiko A Dog’s Story *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:11 SUNSET-16:38 MOON-28.1 DAYS_ Amid Scrutiny, SeaWorld to Alter Orca Shows http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/11/151109-seaworld-captive-orcas-san-diegoエレベータの日, ハンドクリームの日, 技能の日, トイレの日, LPガ…

Robert Frank *

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Frank_ ROBERT FRANK https://youtu.be/-Gqit_71Odw _ In Unseen Photos, A Clearer Picture of Robert Frank’s https://youtu.be/mQlmzbcIz-khttp://dilbert.com/strip/2015-11-08

- 09. NOVEMBER * Robert Frank *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:10 SUNSET-16:39 MOON-27.1 DAYS_ Week’s Best Space Pictures http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/11/151106-cancun-lenticular-galaxy-mars-best-space-pictures-science119番の日, 換気の日, 太陽暦採用記念日, カンボジア独立記…

Rickie Lee Jones *

http://www.rickieleejones.com/_ Rickie Lee Jones - Jimmy Choos (official video) https://youtu.be/NMHJDYOc2JU _ Rickie Lee Jones ‘The Other Side of Desire’ - Album https://youtu.be/GV0LeacdIXQ _ Rickie Lee Jones - Chuck E.'s In Love https:/…

- 08. NOVEMBER * Rickie Lee Jones *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:09 SUNSET-16:40 MOON-26.1 DAYS_ Visible Proof of a Warming Planet http://proof.nationalgeographic.com/2013/09/26/visible-proof-of-a-warming-planet/世界都市計画の日, いい歯の日, 二輪・自転車安全日, ボイラーデー, 屋根の日, …

Ignaz Brull *

http://www.ignazbrull.com/_ Ignaz Brull - Symphony in E-minor, Op.31 (1880) https://youtu.be/SVEdd8ULyGQ _ I. Brüll, Trio in Mi bemolle maggiore Op. 14, I Allegro https://youtu.be/xaKMrJFIG8Ehttp://dilbert.com/strip/2015-11-06

- 07. NOVEMBER * Ignaz Brull *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:08 SUNSET-16:41 MOON-25.1 DAYS_ 7 Things You Should Know About Space Walks http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/11/151105-spacewalk-nasa-iss-astronaut-douglas-wheelerあられせんべいの日, 知恵の日, 鍋の日, ウエルカム・ウ…

Glenn Frey *

http://www.glennfreyonline.com/_ Glenn Frey- Part of Me , Part of You https://youtu.be/D5d0oo6eJhA _ Eagles - Lyin' Eyes 1977 https://youtu.be/DCoFc661GZU _ The Eagles " Hotel California " July 9 , 2013 , https://youtu.be/oGW2Mbl4BQ8http:/…

- 06. NOVEMBER * Glenn Frey *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:07 SUNSET-16:42 MOON-24.1 DAYS_ Gaudí's Cathedral Almost Done 133 Years Later http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/11/151105-gaudi-sagrada-familia-barcelona-final-stage-construction戦争と武力紛争による環境搾取防止のため…

Jonny Greenwood *

http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0339351/_ Jonny Grennwood Bodysong Music from the film https://youtu.be/K31a2vq_v0c _ Jonny Greenwood - The Master https://youtu.be/harQymSLn-ghttp://dilbert.com/strip/2015-11-04

- 05. NOVEMBER * Jonny Greenwood *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:06 SUNSET-16:43 MOON-23.1 DAYS_ Desert Transforms into Floral Wonderland http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/11/151103-atacama-desert-flower-bloom-el-nino/雑誌広告の日, いいりんごの日, ノー・レジ袋の日, Burn ALL GIFs d…

Jeff Lorber *

http://www.lorber.com/index.html_ Jeff Lorber Trio - Tbilisi Jazz Series 2015 https://youtu.be/5DpaDtJJ3ZU _ Jeff Lorber - Step It Up https://youtu.be/iW-Js7ENmT4http://dilbert.com/strip/2015-11-03

- 04. NOVEMBER * Jeff Lorber *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:05 SUNSET-16:44 MOON-22.1 DAYS_ Can You Spot the Winning Photo? http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/contest-2015/gallery/week-8-people/1国連教育科学文化機関憲章記念日(ユネスコ憲章記念日), 消費者センター開設記念日, …

Godzilla *

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godzilla_(1954_film) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0047034/_ Godzilla vs. M.U.T.O's https://youtu.be/dup7m8Eoj0Q _ Godzilla (2014) - All Godzilla Scenes HD 1080p https://youtu.be/AkcfB3z0_-0http://dilbert.com/str…

- 03. NOVEMBER * Godzilla *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:04 SUNSET-16:45 MOON-21.1 DAYS_ These Satellite Views of Ancient Earthworks Are http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/11/151102-kazakhstan-earthworks-geoglyphs-space-satelliteハンカチの日, レコードの日, 文化の日, 文具の…

Keith Emerson *

http://www.keithemerson.com/_ Keith Emerson Band - Touch And Go https://youtu.be/SrKN1SoZhtI _ Keith Emerson - His Finest Hour https://youtu.be/q13ZsnQA9TUhttp://dilbert.com/strip/2015-11-01

- 02. NOVEMBER * Keith Emerson *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:03 SUNSET-16:46 MOON-20.1 DAYS_ Professional Cat Photographer Shoots Purr-Fect Pictures http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/short-film-showcase/professional-cat-photographer-shoots-purr-fect-pictures?source=relatedvi…

Billboard * Billboard was founded in Cincinnati on November 1, 1894.

http://www.billboard.com/charts/hot-100#/charts/hot-100_ Billboard Hot 100 - Top 50 Singles (10/31/2015) https://youtu.be/k-G2F7wOHyY _ Billboard Hot 100 - Top 50 Singles (10/17/2015) https://youtu.be/7pbr4qIVvlMhttp://dilbert.com/strip/20…

- 01. NOVEMBER * Billboard *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-06:02 SUNSET-16:47 MOON-19.1 DAYS_ How Do You Find a “Lost” Masterpiece? http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/10/151030-halloween-renaissance-lost-art-donatello-statue-leonardo-da-vinci-painting-baroqueすしの日, カーペット…